Meet The Team
The Clerics Behind The Scenes

I’m Sonnie – lover of lore and devotee to D&D. I’d wanted to play D&D since I first heard about it as a teen but had no clue where to begin. Then my partner bought me a starter set for 5e and my friend ran us a mini-dungeon to give us a feel for the game play and I was immediately hooked. Since then, I have lost countless hours to playing, DMing, and creating homebrew.
D&D is an endless outlet for my creativity and I love nothing more than watching the stories unfold–almost never according to plan.
My OG Adventure
The first ever character I played was a tiefling monk called Jetsam and because of her, monks hold a special place in my heart. What’s not to love about being able to punch a ghost in the face?
Here's my Instagram profile.
I’m Ian –hi! I wasn’t sure at first if D&D would be for me as I didn’t feel I was creative enough and wasn’t keen on the idea of roleplay. But as a life-long gamer the combat appealed to me so I decided to give it a go.
In spite of my reservations, there is nothing quite like D&D to bring out your inner creator and now I love the imaginative and even roleplaying elements of the game (I still can’t manage doing accents though!). My favorite thing about D&D is that there isn’t just one way to play it.
The great thing about it being a social and cooperative game is that each person at your table can be stronger in some areas and need support in others –just like the characters –and that gives great flexibility to play in a way that you’re comfortable with.
My OG Adventure
My first character was a drow-flavored half-elf warlock called Uriseris. He taught me the joy to be found in launching a fireball into a room of goblins.
Here's my Instagram profile.

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